Southwestern Sprouted Bean and Lettuce Burritos

1/4 cup dry black beans, sorted, and rinsed
1/4 cup dry red lentils, sorted, and rinsed
1/2 cup Roma tomatoes, destemmed, deseeded, and diced
1/2 cup red pepper, destemmed, deseeded, and diced
1/2 cup green pepper, destemmed, deseeded, and diced
1/3 cup green onions, thinly sliced
1/4 cup freshly chopped cilantro
1/4 cup tomato juice
2 T. jalapeno pepper, destemmed, deseeded, and diced
2 t. garlic, minced
1 T. lime juice, to taste
1/4 t. chili powder
1/4 t. ground cumin
salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
12 large leaves of red-tipped loose leaf lettuce, washed well, and patted dry

Begin by soaking and sprouting the black beans and red lentils, each separately, according to the instructions in the recipe for Sprouted Beans; it should take 3-5 days for the black beans and red lentils to sprout 1 to 2-inch long tails. Then place the sprouted black beans and red lentils in indirect sunlight for several hours to allow the creation of chlorophyll, causing the leaves (if present) on the sprouted tails to turn green.

Using 1/4 cups dry black beans and red lentils should yield between 3-4 cups when fully sprouted. Remove 1 cup each of the sprouted black beans and red lentils for use in the burrito filling and set the remainder aside for use in other recipes. Carefully rinse the sprouted black beans and red lentils in a colander to remove any of the loose hulls, which should sink to the bottom of the colander as you rinse. Transfer the sprouted black beans and red lentils to a medium bowl and discard the hulls.

Add the chopped vegetables, lime juice, chili powder, and cumin, and lightly toss the mixture together. Season to taste with salt and pepper and toss gently. Place 1/3 cup of the sprouted bean mixture in the center of each lettuce leaf, fold sides of each leaf towards the center, and then starting from the stem end of the leaf, roll to enclose the filling. Place seam-side down on a platter. Repeat for remaining lettuce leaves. Serve immediately.

Yield: 12 burritos


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The Vegan Chef
©1999-2002  Beverly Lynn Bennett